Monday, April 17, 2017

Building 8 (BLDG8) Brewing The IPA

The Stats
Style: American IPA
ABV: 6.5%
Current Ratings...
- Beer Advocate: 4.19/5
- RateBeer: 3.7/5

No commercial description for this one. Instead, I'll fill this space with a joke..

How do you kill a circus?
You go for the juggler!

Pours dark orange with a mostly transparent body and minimal haze. I got a rich, three finger head with the pour.

The aroma is very clean with influences of fresh mint. It's an overpowering dose of fresh herbs and flowers with a lot of hop oils and resins. I pick up a small bit of black pepper and cedar with maybe the last dying breaths of orange rind.

Tons of bitterness throughout on the taste. From start to finish my mouth is soaking in pure hop juice. Herbaceous (I had to look that one up...points for me) would also be the best adjective to bestow upon this as mints and garlic are big and bold with some support by oregano and thyme. It's a different experience, but it as good as strapping on a pair of Spiceps.

A bitter, oily flavor reminiscent of Equinox packs a noticeable punch, but it blends nicely with the other oils and resins. A fair bit of doughy malts also work their way in for a change of pace and while not a tropical juice bomb, the presence of lemon peel and zest can't be ignored.

The body is full with a slight doughy feel at times. Despite the bitterness, it finishes clean with no bad aftertaste and the abv is well hidden.

Is "The IPA" THE IPA? All joking a salad, this was a nice tangent from the never ending parade of hazy juice nukes flooding the market. A clean-tasting IPA with plenty of herbs and hop bitterness, this offering from BLDG8 pleases anyone looking for classically bitter, but fresh and drinkable IPA.


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